The Future of the Local Church: A CityServe Recap
As New Year’s Eve approaches and resolutions are made, it’s important to remember that reflection builds anticipation. On the surface, 2022 can look like a difficult year with the war in Ukraine, natural disasters, and national division. But, this doesn’t account for the amazing stories of God’s healing and provision through the local Church. Something the news isn’t talking about. Dave Donaldson and Wendell Vision, co-founders of CityServe International join Scott Young to discuss the past year and all the amazing ways that they saw God move to strengthen the church both in the United States and abroad. Hear how CityServe’s affiliate network grew to include 15 U.S. states, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, and Europe in a networking movement that revealed how much communities need a unified church. Through that collaboration, CityServe was ready to respond to disasters like Hurricane Ian and resource churches on the frontlines of the Ukraine crisis. Will you join hands with us and your local church in 2023 to be the answer to the greatest needs in your neighborhood?