Sharing stories, news and updates of the local church serving

the “Last Mile of Need”

America needs a prayer meeting

By Wendell Vinson & Dave Donaldson The assassination attempt of former President Trump put the growing political division in the United States into even sharper contrast. It was also yet another reminder of how susceptible we are to violence. People are getting...

Ofelia’s Story Part 3

A Survivor of Familial Trafficking Experts estimate over 29.9 million people worldwide are trapped in a life of exploitation and human trafficking. And millions of them are children. God’s answer to fighting this heartless evil against those made in His image – His...

Ofelia’s Story Part 2

Today we bring you Part Two of Ofelia Flores’ compelling “God Story” – how she was rescued from a life of misery and abuse after being trafficked by a member of her own family. Today, Ofelia is a successful Kern County mother of five with 13 grandkids who works with...

Ofelia’s Story: A Survivor of Familial Trafficking

Jesus makes his feelings clear regarding the evil of trafficking and exploitation. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble,” the Lord declares in Matthew 18:6, “it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck...

Media Relations Contact

Crissy Sanchez-Cochran,
Director of Communications,