Overwhelmed, Stressed Out or Frustrated? Discover the Keys to a Balanced Life
You know that internal conversation wherein you process doubts and insecurities, and often wind up feeling insufficient or unaccomplished? Caitlyn Scaggs, author, entrepreneur, marketeer, and dynamic motivator shares how she learned to balance life by addressing God throughout her daily internal narrative. Police officer turned businesswoman, Scaggs found herself struggling to balance marriage and motherhood along with the stresses of work and survival. Including God in her everyday thought life allowed her to target her true identity and eternal worth. In this episode, Scaggs encourages us to seek the Lord in our daily narrative, changing our focus from obstacles and inadequacies to the excitement of discovering the path that He has prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10). Life balance comes from understanding that it’s not what we accomplish for God that matters; it is what we accomplish with Him.