7 Truths About Gratitude
Why is it so difficult to be thankful at this time of year? We plainly see much to be concerned over and that can be hard to rise above. Co-host Dave Donaldson breaks down the impact of gratitude in this empowering podcast and issues a challenge. Moved by the legacy of gratitude that he witnessed in the life of his 89-year-old grandmother and its ability to move light into the darkness, Donaldson reveals the untapped potential it holds for us. Gratitude is an element that gravity has no grip on. As Donaldson says, “Gratitude determines altitude.” It provides more than just a birds-eye view of our situations; through gratitude we gain a glimpse of God’s perspective and that completely changes our purview. Today you are being called out from under the cloud cover in your life: “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise.” Discover truths about gratitude and take the Gratitude Challenge; you will be amazed at where it takes you.