An MIT Engineer Learns Success Begins With Surrender
Can God use an introvert to change lives? Don Schoendorfer, author, MIT engineer, Ph.D., and successful inventor, experienced great professional success, but it took a personal crisis to expose his shortcomings. When skill and mathematics failed him, Schoendorfer had an encounter with God that helped him begin to understand what it meant to live a surrendered life. He confronted a 50-year struggle with finding purpose and revisited restless impressions God had placed upon his heart. From this was born, Free Wheelchair Mission. Today, the mathematical introvert who didn’t like being around people has changed lives in 93 developing nations by supplying 1.3 million free wheelchairs to those in desperate need. If you have ever wondered if it is possible to live a life of purpose and fulfillment serving God and people, Schoendorfer’s example reveals that it is within your reach, you only need to grasp it.