Barry Stagner on End Times and Estate Planning (153)
We sing it. We say it. Some of us even believe it. Soon, and very soon, we are going to see the King. But how soon is “soon?” It is a question that has been pondered for ages and one which Barry Stagner, Bible scholar, international broadcast host and author of The Time of the Signs, is well equipped to answer…

How Should the Church Respond to the Tragedy at Uvalde, Texas and Other Mass Shootings? (87)
Do the continual reports of mass shootings leave you feeling helpless and questioning if there is anything you can do? Join co-host Scott Young and our guest…

Ukraine in Crisis, Pt. 4: Ivanka Trump Joins CityServe to Meet with Pastors and Refugees Amidst Russia-Ukraine War (86)
Dave Donaldson, co-founder of CityServe International returns from a recent trip to Poland and Ukraine and provides an update on the ongoing work, stories, and miracles from the frontlines.

How to Go From Conflict to Peacemaking in Four Surprising Steps (85)
How can you find personal peace amid conflict in your relationships, jobs, or even church? Brian Noble, pastor and Executive Director/CEO of Peacemaker Ministries…

One Woman’s Inspiring Journey with Mental Health, Attempted Suicide, and God’s Redemption (84)
Allie Marie Smith seemed to have it all, yet she made plans to end it. Listen as Allie talks about her story, struggles, and journey with mental illness, and how she has learned to thrive…

How the Church Can Prepare for Overturn of Roe v. Wade and Resulting Changes to Adoption and Abortion (83)
What would the overturning of Roe v. Wade mean for the American church? Scott Young, co-host of The Influencers Podcast and lead pastor of Church of Hope in…

4 Uncommon Habits You Need to Become an Emotionally Healthy and Effective Leader (82)
What would our businesses, organizations, or ministries look like if we combined emotional maturity with effective leadership practices? That is what this episode…

Empowering Healthy Masculinity in a Culture that Calls it “Toxic” (81)
What are the characteristics of healthy masculinity that create the fathers and leaders our world desperately needs today? Chase Replogle, pastor of Bent Oak Church…

Ukraine in Crisis, Part 3: CityServe Reports on Amazing Miracles Taking Place Amidst Russia-Ukraine War (80)
As refugees continue to seek safety from war-torn Ukraine, hear how the ongoing work of the local church continues to bring hope and support to those in need. Co-hosts Dave Donaldson and Scott Young are joined by Todd Lamphere, vice president of Government Relations as they…

Escape Anxiety and Performance Through the Spiritual Rhythm of Rest (79)
How can you find true rest in a culture of working more, experiencing more, and achieving more? Escape the anxiety and pressure of the times with Scott Young…

Unlock the Road Map to Your Personal Calling (78)
Did you know our calling usually isn’t revealed in a moment but unfolds over our lifetime? Brian Sanders, a social entrepreneur and the founder and former Executive Director…