From a Life Without Limbs to a Life Without Limits!





Episode Highlights

Nick Vujicic came into the world with no arms and no legs, but only a six-inch appendage with two toes on the left side of his torso, and no medical explanation. The whole church wondered why God would allow the pastor’s son to be born with such a birth defect. But Nick grew up with a different perspective. “I didn’t think it was such a big deal. I was brought up in a loving home who told me that God loved me and He had a plan for me,” Nick said.

Headshot of Nick Vujicic smiling at the camera.

Nick Vujicic, Australian-American born without arms or legs who has become a world-renowned speaker

Nick’s parents wanted to prepare him for a world that doesn’t give anyone everything they want. “They didn’t want to ill-prepare me for the world. I started vacuuming the floor at six years old for two dollars a week and if I wanted something from the store, then I had to buy it.” In 1990, Nick was a trailblazer for school integration after his mother fought at government levels to get her disabled son in school.

At eight years old, Nick’s perspective and attitude changed and suddenly his future didn’t look so bright. He grew angry at God and asked, “Why me? If you’re a loving God, then where’s my miracle?” Nick didn’t hear from God the way he wanted so for five years he refused to pray which lead to depression and multiple suicide attempts. On Nick’s third attempt to end his life he had a vision. “I saw my mom and dad crying at my grave, and I realized there’s something worse than parents having a son without limbs. It’s having a son without limbs who ends his life. So, I decided to stay.”

“I saw my mom and dad crying at my grave, and I realized there’s something worse than parents having a son without limbs. It’s having a son without limbs who ends his life.”

At age 13, while playing soccer, his favorite sport, he hurt his little foot. When he couldn’t walk for three weeks, he realized he had a choice: to be angry for what he doesn’t have or be thankful for what he does. “At that moment, my heart became softened.”

Nick recalls another life-changing moment when he realized in the Bible, John chapter 9 God doesn’t tell the blind man the blueprint of his life. But rather says the man was born blind so the works of God will be revealed. “What changed me wasn’t a physical miracle. I realized the blind man didn’t ask God for the plan. He just allowed God to do His plan. So, at that point, I said, ‘God more than arms and legs, I want to be saved. Just use me and use this if you don’t change it.'” Nick learned then that when God doesn’t give you a miracle, you can still be one.

‘God more than arms and legs, I want to be saved. Just use me and use this if you don’t change it.’


#1: Process Emotions

God made us with emotions and if you’re a human who doesn’t feel, then you’re unhealthy. Get counseling, talk to someone, or choose 2 friends and alternate to check up on each other, speak life, and pray. God uses dentists for our teeth, and he uses psychologists for our brains. Don’t underestimate how God uses Christian psychologists to help us process the emotions that God has allowed us to feel and get to a place of gratitude and praise.

#2: Attitude of Gratitude

To get out of depression you have to be thankful for what you have. Anyone can look back on their days and see how it could have been worse. Be grateful for where you are now.

#3: Set Goals

Short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. If you’re here then God isn’t done with you. Ask yourself how you are advancing the Kingdom and encouraging others. When you are stuck in the muck you need to realize you are here to do something. If God allows you to go through something, then He’s using it to grow you. So set some goals and get out to do it.

#4: Get in the Word

There is nothing more powerful than the Word of God and it’s time to bring the Bible back to the table, memorize scripture and have it engraved on your heart. It’s for your soul’s sake.

#5: Pray and Fast

If your prayers are 20 seconds long, it’s not praying. It’s tradition. If God was coming into your room for 10 minutes today, what do you want to tell Him? Think about it and write it out. Can you truly believe that God is in the room with you, listening to your prayers every day? Don’t stop at praying, fast as well. Scripture tells us it is the only way to unleash the entire power of the Holy Spirit. “I’ve never seen anything unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit like fasting.”

The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. But we can turn obstacles into opportunities and not let him destroy God’s greatest gift . . . life.

“I was never crippled until I lost hope.”

-Nick Vujicic