by Crissy Cochran | Jun 7, 2023 | Podcast
LISTEN TO EP.127 Apple SPOTIFY CPN EP.127 DESCRIPTION Pornography: A Moral Dilemma, Sin Problem or Psychological Addiction? Is happiness possible in a marriage when there has been pornography and broken trust? Dannah Gresh has personal insight on the topic of “Happily...
by Crissy Cochran | May 24, 2023 | Podcast
LISTEN TO EP.126 Apple SPOTIFY CPN EP.126 DESCRIPTION God, the Big House, and the Warehouse Ever heard the phrase, Sometimes the hardest part to starting something new is showing up? Tony Phillips is a guy who showed up. A businessman between jobs, it was a need for...
by Crissy Cochran | May 10, 2023 | Podcast
LISTEN TO EP.125 Apple SPOTIFY CPN EP.125 DESCRIPTION Military Spouses Living the Great Commission with a Bible and Coffee Pot A pot of coffee, a Facebook post, and a bulky Bible–how a movement started with military spouses. Megan B. Brown, a seasoned military...
by Crissy Cochran | May 4, 2023 | Media
Prior to 1DayHouston, CityServe helped equip Houston area churches with an additional $1.86 of resources from November 2022 – March 2023 —————- HOUSTON — On Saturday, April 29, churches and parachurch organizations from across the...
by Crissy Cochran | May 3, 2023 | Podcast
LISTEN TO EP.124 Apple SPOTIFY CPN EP.124 DESCRIPTION Dr. Gary Chapman: Author of “The 5 Love Languages” Shares His Story Ever wonder why it is so hard to get along with someone you love? Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the New York Times Best Seller, The 5 Love...
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