From Dysfunction to Prison… Ministry (158)
You know those testimonies that keep you riveted? Where the brokenness is so severe that you marvel God could pull a life from such rubble and use it for His glory and purpose? Carl Barrett has one of those testimonies and he can tell you exactly how God uses it. Author, Ministry Founder, and Instructor with the National…

Helping Kids Build Resilience in a Reboot Culture (139)
You may be a solid communicator, skilled craftsman, or acclaimed academic, but have you ever looked at your child, or grandchild, and found yourself speechless? According to Dr. Kathy Koch, that is not bad. Founding President of Celebrate Kids, co-founder of Ignite the Family, faculty at Summit Ministries, public speaker, and author…

Are You Sinking or Walking on Water (138)
Does fear impact your ability to function at times? Kristel Ward is an author, speaker, podcast host, and teacher who, having taught in some rough districts, felt she could handle the toughest situations. Then her youngest son began having daily seizures. Suddenly, Ward’s confidence was replaced with fear, and her hope dissolved.

ISRAEL: Devastated but not Destroyed (137)
How can one little strip of land be worth so much trouble and so many lives? Uri Steinberg is a ninth generation Israeli. He is also a father. His service for the government and work with the Israeli Ministry of Justice never prepared him for the injustice of October 7, 2023.

Can You Define a Christian? (136)
Culture has been stumped in its effort to define a woman, but can you define a Christian? Is it someone who goes to church and reads the Bible, one who accomplishes powerful things for the church and for God…

Effective Leadership in a Culture of Fear and Distrust (135)
Desperate for a change in leadership? For someone you can trust? Someone with clarity, character and competence? What if the leader that needs changing is you? Leadership coach, speaker, and author Danita Bye…

Overwhelmed, Stressed Out or Frustrated? Discover the Keys to a Balanced Life (134)
You know that internal conversation wherein you process doubts and insecurities, and often wind up feeling insufficient or unaccomplished? Caitlyn Scaggs, author, entrepreneur, marketeer, and dynamic motivator shares how she learned to balance life by addressing

Willie Robertson and CityServe Team Minister to Ukrainian Pastors (133)
What do 30 hours on a bus, 400 pastors, and a duck call have in common? Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty fame is happy to explain. The New York Times best-selling author, along with his COO, Jeffrey Kent, and the City Serve team journeyed to war-ravaged Ukraine. F

A Maui Wildfire Survivor’s Story: Pastor Keahi and Beauty from Ashes (132)
What do you share when you have nothing? Pastor Kawi Keahi, one of many Maui wildfire victims lost almost everything. His church was reduced to ashes, and he now owns a house of rubble. Yet this husband and father of two who barely escaped with his family is bringing hope and healing to his community.

What to do When People Give You the Creeps (131)
Have you ever had an unsettling feeling about someone? Did it make you anxious? Dr. Wendy Patrick, a career Prosecuting Attorney with degrees in Psychology, Divinity, and a Doctorate in Theology, shares why you get those feelings.

Does the Devil Have a Discipleship Program? (130)
How do you shepherd those being discipled by social media? Chris Martin is a social media expert, raised by an Internet pioneer. Consultant and author of The Wolf in Their Pockets: 13 Ways the Social Internet Threatens the People You Lead, Martin noticed that what was trending wasn’t only gossip and conspiracy, but a destructive worldview.