An MIT Engineer Learns Success Begins With Surrender (121)

An MIT Engineer Learns Success Begins With Surrender (121)

Can God use an introvert to change lives? Don Schoendorfer, author, MIT engineer, Ph.D., and successful inventor, experienced great professional success, but it took a personal crisis to expose his shortcomings. When skill and mathematics failed him, Schoendorfer had an encounter with God that helped him…

The Secret to Maximize Life’s Pleasures (120)

The Secret to Maximize Life’s Pleasures (120)

Would you rather look at a great design or spend personal time with the Creator? Steve DeWitt, pastor of 30 years, podcast host, and author shares how beauty creates wonder in us, sparks joy, and ultimately is meant to lead us…

The Future of the Local Church: A CityServe Recap (115)

The Future of the Local Church: A CityServe Recap (115)

As New Year’s Eve approaches and resolutions are made, it’s important to remember that reflection builds anticipation. On the surface, 2022 can look like a difficult year with the war in Ukraine, natural disasters, and national division. But, this doesn’t account for the amazing stories of God’s healing and provision through the local Church.

Help Your Kids Unwrap the True Meaning of Christmas (112)

Help Your Kids Unwrap the True Meaning of Christmas (112)

ow do you think your kids would describe the Christmas season? Would their minds immediately go to gifts, food, and family quarrels? Or would they express a genuine understanding and connection to the story of Jesus? Our guest helps make the latter possible. Asheritah Ciuciu…


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