How the Church Can Respond to Critical Race Theory (159)
We have all heard some of the rash proclamations and condemnations made by Critical Race Theory proponents and initiatives, but what does CRT entail and how has it entrenched itself in politics, hospitals and treatments, corporations and policies, schools and education? Dr. Neil Shenvi and Dr. Pat Sawyer answer all those questions and many more.

On Fire for Christ: Painting with Burning Brushes (149)
What makes you stand out? Is it your skill, credentials, or your charisma? Known as the “fire painter,” Tim Gagnon definitely stands out when his brushes are on fire. An amazing artist, speaker, teacher, and master of his trade…

Discover Jesus’ Heart for Seekers, Sinners, Doubters, and the Discouraged (148)
We talk about God’s love, but do we understand He held Himself upon that cross out of compassion for us, knowing that suffering was our destination without Him? Frequent conference speaker and podcast regular, author Jessica Thompson explores the compassion of Christ and the impact it can have in our lives and beyond us, touching the hearts of others when we see them through His eyes.

Strahan Coleman Reveals How He Got God’s Attention (147)
Does God talk to us, or listen? People of every culture, age, and with or without faith, struggle with these questions. Writer, award-winning musician, and founder of Commoner’s Communion, Strahan Coleman’s wandering career took him around the world and right back to God. Life was good — a wonderful marriage, children, a beach home — until it wasn’t.

Transforming the Brokenness from Human Trafficking: A Survivor’s Message (146)
“Why?” We have all asked it. “Why would God allow…?” For those in the middle of trial or trauma, it confuses. For those who have been damaged, it haunts. For Ofelia Flores, it reminds her, “God does not waste any hurts.” An advocate, contracted consultant for police and sheriff’s departments…

How to Turn 2024 Resolutions Into Results. Scott Wozniak Has the Recipe for You! (145)
Are you one of the many who makes New Years’ resolutions that turn out to be unsuccessful? Scott Wozniak, CEO, Mensa member, legendary brand-builder, and author brilliantly unpacks the chasm between a great resolution/vision and how to get there.

A Wonderful, Christmas Wake-Up Call with Pastor Wendell Vinson (144)
Peace. Hope. In our world? At this time? Start ringing the bells because Pastor Wendell Vinson says, “Absolutely!” Pastor, CityServe co-founder and world traveler, Pastor Vinson will shake you up with his refreshing, biblical perspective of HOPE. Are there global pressures, wars and rumors of wars, an elevation of evil?

ISRAEL UPDATE: CityServe Hears from Todd “Boots On the Ground” Lamphere (143)
Was his name David? It was the question we wanted Todd Lamphere to answer as he shared the account of one guy with just a stone in Ein Habesor who, along with four other men with M16’s, beat back an army of Hamas terrorists. Pastor and Vice President of Government Relations for City Serve…

Wayne Cordeiro: Leading on Empty and What to Do About It (142)
Do you dread the darkness? While some slumber, others of us repeatedly wrestle with failure, worthlessness and deadly intents of a dark realm. Pastor Wayne Cordeiro has fought that battle. Creative, successful and driven…

7 Truths About Gratitude (141)
Why is it so difficult to be thankful at this time of year? We plainly see much to be concerned over and that can be hard to rise above. Co-host Dave Donaldson breaks down the impact of gratitude in this empowering podcast and issues a challenge.

Mental Health For Times Like These (140)
You are not the only one who has ever been depressed, anxious, or stressed; everyone has. Pastor, speaker and podcast host Wesley Towne says that his broken life led to his calling. He loves Jesus, was in the Word and in prayer daily…